Using Materialized Views for RLS in Supabase

For many reasons we have to use Materialized Views, maybe to improve query performance.

I even designed a system using Materialized Views and created a 5 minute schedule to refresh them

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### RLS


CREATE POLICY "all" ON "public"."table_a" USING ( user_id= auth.uid() );


### Materialized Views

hypothesis that: m_view_1 has column user_id of table_a with foreign key

### Mix view (repeat join table_a)

create or replace view

  view_1 with(security_invoker= true) as

select m_view_1.* from m_view_1 join table_a on m_view_1.user_id= table_a.user_id;

### Conclusion

Well the problem is we can m_view_1 query the entire record with supabase.

Let's block requests to /rest/v1/m_view_1 or even /rest/v1/m_view_* with nginx or kong
